Banbury Cricket Club Website Launched!

, / September 30, 2022 / Rich Holmes

In the first of a few websites, we are hoping to launch soon, we are delighted to present the new Banbury Cricket Club website today! This is phase one of the website development plan, focussing on a fresh new design that truly represents the progressive path the club is looking to take both on and off the pitch.

We have carried out the redesign, along with the transfer of all the previous content and a migration to the Wordpress platform. This has provided us with the foundations in which phase 2 will be built.

Phase 2 will see the introduction of a ‘Club Cricket’ tool that will help Banbury CC ( and hopefully many others! ) easily manage their teams, fixtures, results and players with minimal effort. More will be revealed, when the time is right, but for now the aim is to launch phase 2 this Winter, ready for the new season.

Our thanks go to Jack, and the rest of the Banbury Cricket Club committee, for the ease in which this project has been carried out and we look forward to continuing our support for this local cricket club, as both website developers and sponsors!

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