⭐️⭐️ Results Day! ⭐️⭐️

/ August 22, 2024 / Rich Holmes

If your website was getting its GCSEs today, how would it have done? Mark each subject below and let us know in the comments:

📝 English Language: Does it use appropriate language for the audience you’re targeting. Is it based on fact or fiction and does it answer the questions people ask?

🎨 Art & Design: Is the design unique, engaging and easy to navigate? Does it tell your story and invite users on a journey?

➗ Maths: How do the numbers stack up? Do you use analytics to track the number of visitors? Do you monitor how many leads you get and do your conversions add up?

🔮 Psychology: What do people think and feel when they arrive on your site? Are you using colours and fonts that match your industry and the tone you want to set? Does it give the right vibe for your company and does it lead your visitor into making a decision?

Good luck to everyone picking up their results today!

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