
Catch up with our latest ramblings


Migrate From Shopify to Woocommerce

This article is not going to focus on how or why you chose Shopify, or why you’re now considering migrating from Shopify. We cover this in an earlier article Shopify vs Woocommerce and it covers reasons why you might want to migrate from Shopify to Woocommerce. What we want to provide here is our expertise […]


Shopify vs Woocommerce

This is a well documented area, if you type this search into Google. Depending on which link you select you will see a number of statistics detailing market share and each one has a slightly different take on the statistics, whether it’s using a certain checkout, whether you’re comparing the whole internet or just top […]


SMTP Authentication – Missing leads from your website contact form?

Have you noticed a drop or complete lack of emails being received from your website contact form? Have you tested your contact form to ensure you are still picking up important leads? It is becoming more common that business leads are being missed as emails are either consistently ending up in junk or simply being […]


Woocommerce Update Breaking Websites!

The latest release of Woocommerce ( 8.5.1 ) has caused a number of sites to receive a critical error, if they have a particular configuration. Namely it involves those who’s hosting packages use ModSecurity so it’s not limited to one company and covers a number of the top hosting platforms such as Plesk and cPanel. […]


Do You Own Your Domain Name?

In the ever-expanding landscape of the digital world, where virtual territories are as valuable as physical ones, owning a domain name is akin to staking your claim on the internet. Your domain is not just an address for your website; it’s a crucial piece of digital real estate that can significantly impact your online presence, […]

Prestige Paint Website - Home Page

Prestigious Website Launched!

Prestige Paint have been part the Ampersand Studio family for a few months, initially as their website hosting provider but now, in collaboration with Phil, from Phil Stanley Media, we are delighted to launch their new website! With Phil leading the project, from a creative point of view, he delivered a design brief that matches […]

Converted website from Wix to Wordpress

Wix to WordPress – Website Launched!

From Wix to WordPress! What a start to 2023, with a new website launch! This project was to move a website from Wix, in order to modernise the site and also reduce costs. It’s now hosted with Ampersand Studio and has been updated to a responsive, modern design using our favourite page builder – Beaver […]


Top Tips for WordPress Website Optimisation

2022 was a year for optimising websites. It’s clear that business owners are now becoming far more conscious of the need for their website to load quickly and efficiently, rather than just web professionals recommending it. There’s no reason to believe this won’t continue into 2023 so we thought we give you a few tips […]

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Fuse Socials Website Launched!

In the final episode of our website launch trilogy, this one came as a request for a quick turnaround that we’ve managed to accommodate and get turned round in double quick time. Although not always possible we do try our best! It also helps when the team come to you with a clear idea of […]


The Cone Website Launched!

In the second of our 3 part website launch, this week, we’re bringing you The Cone – Banbury! Having produced the brand, prior to The Cone opening, we are delighted to be launching the website now too! From a hand drawn logo concept to a brand concept and website that delivers consistency across all marketing […]

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