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Is your Wordpress site in danger?

Is Your WordPress Site In Danger?

On 2nd March, iThemes, the company behind plugins such as iThemes Security, announced that it’s been discovered that over 400 plugins and 25 themes were using as insecure version of the Freemius Framework, which could affecting the security of thousands of WordPress websites. – Not sure what all this means? Let’s break it down! [Edit: […]

Startup Stock Photo

New Website Launched!

We’ve launched our new website to promote our web design and development services in Banbury, Oxfordshire and across the UK. Find out more about us here. This websites primary focus is to promote the 3 main services we offer: Website Design Website and WordPress Development Website Hosting In addition to the services we offer we […]


How to Catch A Phish

It’s happened to us all right? An email drops in your inbox and before you know it you’ve opened the attachment or clicked a link, before checking the validity of it. Even the best spam filters will let a few rogue emails through, cleverly written to disguise the real intention of causing harm. Geographically speaking […]

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